As with other supplements, one of the most important factors that can determine the effectiveness of Creatine supplements is the right usage or dosage of the supplement. This is because at best, the improper usage or the wrong dosage of Creatine supplements would result to people not getting any results, while the worst case scenario is that it can cause problems like kidney disorders. Given this, it is very important for people to know the proper dosage or usage of Creatine supplements not only to be able to achieve the desired results but also to avoid any health problems. However, given that different people have different body types and different responses to these supplements, the right dosage for people would vary depending on these factors. But this does not mean that there are no general principles that people should follow when using them, as there are principles that apply to all people who use Creatine supplements.

Some general principles

One of the most general rule that people who take Creatine supplements is that they should not use or take caffeine together with the supplements. This is because the effect of caffeine on muscles with regard to water retention, which is the complete opposite of the effect of Creatine can reduce if not eliminate the effects of the supplement. Another important rule is that Creatine should not be taken together with any citrus drink. This is very important because it has been proven that citrus drinks such as orange juice neutralizes the activity of Creatine and mixing both only leads to the creation of creatinine, which is a waste product.

Another general rule that people who take Creatine supplements should follow is that they should mix the Creatine supplement with warm water, as this can help them maximize the benefits that they would get from the supplement. Lastly and more importantly, people are also encouraged to drink at least an eight-ounce glass of water eight times a day, as this can prevent dehydration and it can also lead to greater muscle mass, as more water can be absorbed by muscle cells.

The right dosage or usage of Creatine supplements can help people get the desired results that the supplement can provide. However, given that people have different body types, there is no general rule on how much supplements a person should take. However there are still general rules that people who take these supplements should follow, which can help them not only to get the best results but can also help them avoid any health problems that result to the improper sue or dosage of Creatine supplements.


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