
There are various types of acne and acne treatments that work effectively.It all depends on the type of acne one has and how one choose to treat it. Not all types of acne react to the same treatment. Similarly with people not all people will respond to a certain type of treatment in the same manner, so it is safe to say that it depends on the individual's type of skin and the extent of the acne that they have. There are many different products to choose from and choosing the right one can be a matter of trial and error, also it would depend on whether you have consulted with your dermatologist and were prescribed a specific medication.

Products such as Proactive, Neutrogena and Mary Kay, are some of the more popular products that are used for the treatment of acne. Proactive seems to be the number one product on the market and has been said to be used by some of the most famous actresses of today. It comes in sets of three and can be very costly, because of the lengthy period that you will have to use it to get the desired result. Mary Kay is also popular because of its low cost and it offers a three in one package which includes parmitate, microbeads retinyl, and vitamin E which gives your skin a smoother younger look. Neutrogena has been around for a while and it comes in either cream based or gel, both of which work in the same way as they both contain hydroxyl acid with, is known to penetrate deep down to the pores, to fight acne bacteria.

Some people say changing your diet and eating foods high in fiber and drinking lots of water and exercising is a sure way to get rid of acne because when your body is healthy not only will you look healthy but you will also feel healthy and your skin which is also an organ will start to look healthy. When you exercise it sets the blood pumping causing oxygen to flow to all parts of the body including the skin and this rejuvenates the skin giving it a much healthier and younger look. You should eat lots of vegetable and fruits and refrain from sugar because sugar is known to be the number one cause of acne, also try to avoid oily foods, especially if you know that you have a problem with oily skin.

Any pieces

Aloe vera is another way of treating acne because of its healing properties and its ability to regenerate skin and rebuild scarred damaged skin areas. There are many different types of aloe vera based soaps, and gels available on the market and these products are safe to use and do not require a prescription. Products containing benzoyl peroxide, such as Clearasil and Oxy clean are over the counter medications that are also known to work well on people with mild cases of acne.

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